Poor little Elizabeth has had a very rough couple of weeks! Two weeks ago we took her in to the doctors office, and found out she had a sinus infection. Then last week we took her in again cause she wasn't feeling well and she wasn't eating. This time Ear infection! Today she woke up with red dots on the back of her neck. I thought she got mosquito bites at the ward FHE night. So I went to show Chanse and realized the red dots were all over her body! So once again we were on the way to the Peds office. Worried that the rash was infectious the peds office didn't want us to come in so we waited in the car. They came out and determined that it wasn't chicken pox and we could come in. So to make a long story even longer, The Dr. determined that it was a very bad allergic reaction either to her ammoxicilian or the watermelon she had at FHE. We gave her the ammoxicilian in the doctors office so that they could keep an eye on her for a little bit. The receptionist said if you had her all dressed we wouldn't even know anything was wrong with her! She is such a happy little thing! We didn't see any huge changes so we gave her some benedryl and came home. I dooo have to tell you that she is brilliant though. She went poopoo on the toilet today! What a big girl! It is easy to get a completely naked baby on the toilet in time when she gives such obvious signs of potty! (such as red face) Well all this and she is cutting two teeth but she is still happy most of the time!
That picture of her smiling is adorable! That rash sure isn't- poor thing. Glad she's doing better!
Oh my! What a week! Poor monkey, she is so happy though!!
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