Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thirsty at the Strawberry days parade!

I get an e-mail yesturday stating that a friend in my ward needs some kids to ride in the cornbellys train for the straberry days parade. I thought the kids would have fun. So the night before, I prepared with: putting up the girls, I cleaned out the camel back and made kool-aid to put in it. At the end of the parade I noticed that the camel back was still full of kool-aid. I asked Kymbal how come she didn't drink any? She said it was gross. I thought it may have been un tasty due to the lemon juice I used to clean it out. I didn't really think about it again until we were home having lunch and Chanse gave Savannnah and her friend Natalie some kool-aid and they said it was gross. It was then that I remembered that I was waiting for Chanse last night to come up and reach the sugar for me. I guess I never got the sugar!!!!!!!!!!! And the Kool-Aid was very nasty without the key ingredient SUGAR. Oh well the kids had fun and we fixed the kool-aid. So much for being a prepared mom.


Nic said...

Stayce . . . I fear you are spending too much time with me. I am rubbing off on you . . . and I am SOOOOO sorry!!

Jen said...

That is hillarious!!! Poor Kymbal.

Lacey Jane said...

Haha... at least she didn't drink it!

(Ps. You'll have to show me where those train-tracks are; I'd love to take pics there!)

Eric J. Wheeler said...

Better than if Chanse brought home salt instead of sugar! YUCK!

BEAU, COURT & BOYS said...

That is so funny! Ha. Cute Blog! love it!